Does Tres Dias promote any specific doctrine?

No. Tres Dias celebrates what Christian denominations have in common — a fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ — not differences.

Is Tres Dias a denomination?

No. Tres Dias is interdenominational – meaning that all denominations that proclaim “Jesus Christ is Lord” are welcome to attend. Tres Dias is NOT intended to become an alternative to a home church. It cannot replace active, contributing membership in a church. But it can inspire active, contributing membership. It is the desire of the Tres Dias community that participants will return to their home churches with the empowerment of a revitalized relationship with Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit. Also, Tres Dias is not designed to become a focal point of worship. While worship definitely occurs on each Tres Dias weekend and at monthly gatherings, Tres Dias is not a venue for faithful Christian worship as provided in a church. There is no proselytizing!

What affect will Tres Dias have on my congregation?

People who attend Tres Dias return to their churches energized and revitalized leaders with a deeper desire to love others and serve God than perhaps they’ve ever felt before. You will have stronger lay leadership that is willing and equipped to take more responsibility in new ministries and outreach efforts. Tres Dias can bring your church to a new level of spiritual life and freedom in Christ.

Is Tres Dias a cult?

NO, Tres Dias is NOT a “cult” in any way. When Tres Dias first began, the early participants felt that the weekends were such a blessing, they didn’t want to “spoil” special parts of it for future attendees. These “blessings” were treated in much the same way as a surprise party would be – it wasn’t that people couldn’t discuss it; they just didn’t want to spoil the blessing someone else would experience. As a result, people began referring to the blessings as “secrets” within the weekend. Over time, and particularly with the advent of the Internet, stories of secrecy began to spread, resulting in rumors that Tres Dias must be a “cult,” since secrecy is one of the hallmarks of a cult. However, there are NO secrets in Tres Dias. There are “blessings” that enhance the weekend experience, but they are NOT secrets. In the interest of full disclosure, visit “The Essentials of Tres Dias” to see exactly what happens on a weekend. If you have any additional questions, please email us.

pastors corner

“It was he who gave gifts to mankind; he appointed some to be apostles, others to be prophets, others to be evangelists, others to be pastors and teachers. He did this to prepare all God’s people for the work of Christian service, in order to build up the body of Christ. And so we shall all come together to that oneness in our faith and in our knowledge of the Son of God; we shall become mature people, reaching to the very height of Christ’s full stature.”   Ephesians 4:11-13

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